(originally offered 06/18/13) Presenter: Susanna Miller, Community Support Specialist, Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University Are you concerned that your young adult is at risk of becoming socially isolated? Once students graduate and the structure of school goes away, many families struggle to find activities that are a good fit for their …
Continue reading “Community is Fundamental: Help Your Young Adult Engage in the Community”
(originally offered 11/14/12) Presenter: Kathy Sutton & Jennifer Katz What do you do when your child can’t or won’t sleep? Join experienced and sleep-deprived parents to get tips, tricks and ideas for the next sleepless night in your household. Running time: 24 minutes. (For project evaluation purposes, Parent to Parent of Georgia may email webinar viewers …
(originally offered 11/17/11) Presenters: Greer Gaston-Anderson and Kathy Sutton Tired of repeating yourself over and over? Do your kids ignore your rules, or claim “I would have done it, but I didn’t know”! In this webinar two mothers share their tips for establishing and maintaining the rules in their households. Each has a unique perspective …
Continue reading “Parenting with P2P: Establishing Rules at Home”
(originally offered 1/18/12) Presenter: Mitzi Profitt and Val Howren, Mothers of Children with special needs Are you struggling to find the “right way” to explain your child’s disability and/or special healthcare needs to them? Running time: 34 minutes. (For project evaluation purposes, Parent to Parent of Georgia may email webinar viewers a brief follow-up survey …
(originally offered 1/19/12) Presenters: Nichell Moore and Audrey Braxton Does getting your child to therapy interfere with family time, play time and other activities? Are you struggling to find the right “school-therapy-life balance for your child with special needs? Join us as two mothers share how they manage this delicate balance for their families. Running …
(originally offered 05/24/12) Presenter: Bob Cohen – Father and Foster Parent and Mike DeFusco – Father of 2 With summer fast approaching, there’s no better time to get ideas on how your family can enjoy time together. Join us as two parents share what they do to with their families to have fun together at …
Continue reading “Parenting with P2P: Bringing the Fun Back into the Home”
(originally offered 04/26/12) Presenter: David Glass – Father of 2 and Ganesh Nayak – Father of 1 Join us as two fathers share what they do to be actively involved in the life of their children with special needs. Running time: 22 minutes. (For project evaluation purposes, Parent to Parent of Georgia may email webinar …
Continue reading “Parenting with P2P: I’m a Dad and I’m Involved”
(originally offered 04/19/12) Presenter: Scott Crain – Father of 2 and Laurie Smith – Mother of 2 Most parents know the power of advocating for our children’s needs in school and community settings. However, sometimes we overlook the need to introduce our children to ways to advocate for themselves. Join us as two parents share …
Continue reading “Parenting with P2P: Involving your child in the IEP process”
(originally offered 6/24/16) Presenter: Angela Gattison Georgia’s graduation rate is 72% for all kids, but it drops steeply to 35% for students with disabilities. Middle school sets the foundation towards getting that high school diploma. Angela Gattison from Parent to Parent of Georgia will share some important tips on how to steer your middle schooler …
Continue reading “Keeping your Middle School Student on a Path to Graduation”
(originally offered 6/6/16) Research shows that children who are not reading proficient by the end of third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school compared to their peers who can read. So the path to graduation begins early. In this webinar, Sitara Nayak from Parent to Parent of Georgia will …
Continue reading “What does Elementary School have to do with High School Graduation”