(Originally offered on 2/20/14) Presenters: Gavin Colquitt, Angel Salcedo, Caroline Alford, Mike Holton Do you want to get involved in social clubs, sports or recreational activities? Are you looking for opportunities to meet new people and become active in your community or college after high school? Learn from the experiences of Michael Holton, Caroline Alford, …
(Originally offered on 2/10/14) Presenters: Diane Prindle, Eren Niedherhoffer, Kristinga Brewster, Terroish Mitchel Do you know what Supported Employment is? Would you like to know more about how you can obtain a job and receive support to make it successful? Diane Prindle of Briggs and Associates facilitates a panel of 3 individuals with disabilities who …
(originally offered 1/23/14) Presenter: Amy Pileggi Do you enjoy doing things independently? Do you want to get involved in sports, recreation or social activities? Do you want to learn how to volunteer? Then this is the webinar for you! You’re invited to listen to Amy Pileggi as she talks about life as an individual with …
(originally offered 12/17/13) Presenters: Zach Fenell, Daniel Mallory, Elizabeth Sweat, Kevin Kardon, Christopher Hunnicut and Chris Hunnicut, Sr. Considering college? Parent to Parent of Georgia presents a webinar for youth with disabilities called “Finding Your Way: Transitioning from High School to College”. Hear from young adults with disabilities who have successfully navigated their way through …
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(originally offered 11/7/13) Presenter: Donna Jo Salhany & Blair Calling all high students with disabilities who want to go to college! This webinar is co-presented by a current college student with disabilities and a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Counselor. Hear from a college student who applied for services, became eligible for services, and identified services needed …
(originally offered 6/23/16) Presenter: Mitzi Proffitt, It is never too early to plan for your child’s future. But the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that all students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) should also have a Transition Plan by age 16 or when they enter high school, which ever comes earlier. …
(originally offered 03/01/12) Presenter: Debbie Currere and Nalini Isaac In today’s economy, unemployment is an issue for so many, but more so, for a loved one with a developmental disability. As a mom or dad, it is hard to watch your son or daughter upset time & time again after applying for a job and …
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(originally offered 06/19/13) Presenter: Curtis Rodgers, Project Director, Benefits Navigator Program, Shepherd Center Your 18 year old might be eligible for SSI and/or Medicaid. Find out what happens once he or she turns 18. Join us for an overview of what your options are and tips to help you prepare for these changes. Running time: …
Continue reading “Medicaid and SSI: What happens when my child turns 18?”
(originally offered 06/12/13) Presenter: Sitara Nayak, Director of Support Services, Parent to Parent of Georgia Does your child’s IEP have any health related goals needed to successfully transition to adulthood? If your child has health related issues, can they explain to a professional (either verbally or with assistive technology) what their symptoms are? Does your …
(originally offered 06/21/13) Presenter: Tangye Teague, Constituent Services Manager, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency If your youth with special needs is on the path to enter the work force, then join us to find out what services are provided by the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Administration (GVRA). This presentation will be a basic overview of Vocational Rehabilitation …
Continue reading “Vocational Rehabilitation 101: Successful Transition from School-to-Work”