Transition Planning


Transition Planning

Transitions occur throughout life. They are the natural changes we experience as we grow, age and mature. Transitions can be joyful, enriching experience, such as marriage, jobs and parenthood. They can also be maturing and life-changing such as the death of a parent, spouse or other loved one. Transitions for children usually coincide with changes in school.

Moving from BCW to Preschool

Children receiving services through Babies Can’t Wait (BCW), Georgia’s Early Intervention Program receive assistance with planning for transition out of the program at age three. Transition planning can begin as early as 9 months prior to, but no later than 90 days prior to, the child’s third birthday. The goal is to ensure no interruption of services for a child when turning 3 years old.

Read the fact sheet about BCW Transition (Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese)

Transition at Age 3: Steps for Success (Spanish)

The Difference between an IFSP and an IEP

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Ga-DOE-P2P Fact Sheet – Preparing Your Child with Disabilities for Kindergarten (Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese)

Planning for the Future at an Early Age

Making Sure your Preschooler Starts on a Path Towards High School Graduation (Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese)

Making Sure your Elementary School Child Starts on a Path Towards High School Graduation
(Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese)

Transitions for Children and Youth – How Occupational Therapy Can Help

Self Determination Skills and Successful Preparation for Adulthood

Self-determination is the belief that all individuals have the right to direct their own lives. Students who have self-determination skills have a better chance of being successful in making the transition to adulthood, including employment and independence. Services designed to help families plan for the future for their children must be based on student needs and take into account student interests and preferences. To accomplish this goal, students must be prepared to participate in planning for their future.

Be Your Own Best Advocate

10 Steps to Self-Determination

National Gateway to Self-Determination

Preparing Students for Transition by Teaching Self-Advocacy Skills

Move On When Ready

This video was created by parents, as a conversation between parents, to help families understand this transition opportunity. Effective August 2017, Move On When Ready became known at Dual Enrollment. Because services are frequently evolving, please contact the Georgia Department of Education for more information.

Preparing for Adulthood

In order for students with disabilities to prepare for their future, planning should begin no later than age 14 and continuing until the student leaves school. Each student’s plan needs to be highly individualized and should include planning in the areas of post-secondary education, vocational education, employment (including supported employment), income, social security and health insurance, living arrangements, leisure time activities, and independent living skills, as well as opportunities for the student to become familiar with his/her home community. Each student will require different types of support in order to realize his/her dreams for the future.

Transition Guide (US DOE 2017)

Transition To Life After High School Fact Sheet (English) (Spanish), (Arabic), (Chinese), (Vietnamese), (Korean), (Japanese)

Check out these 5 Fact Sheets on Transition in Georgia

GA Transition Councils – Transition Councils are groups of people from a county or a group of counties working together to address the transition of youth with disabilities. Find the transition council in your area here.

Parent Tips for Transition Planning

Georgia’s Career Pathways

What Are the Georgia CTAE Career Clusters?

Help your Child Self-Advocate

Family Information Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition

Georgia State Agency Policies & Resources for Transition Aged Youth & Young Adults (TAYYA)

The Journey to Life after High School:  This comprehensive guide examines the laws that impact a child with special needs, the importance of the individualized education plan, and the different paths a child with special needs can take after graduating from high school. “The Journey to Life after High School” not only provides the steps that need to be taken prior to graduation but also the preparation required for the new adult’s legal and medical rights.

What’s Next: A Self-Advocate’s Guided Tour through Transition for Parents and Other Supporters: For those with disabilities, and the people who love them, the transitional years between adolescence and adulthood can present a set of unique challenges. With a bit of creative planning and extra preparation, your teen will be more empowered to begin their journey as a self-directed young adult. This guide will pose questions, offer concrete tips, strategies, and resources as your family ventures down this path.

Autism Speaks: Transition Tool Kit
This kit provides suggestions and options for caregivers to consider as they set out to find their child’s own unique path to adulthood. Topics include self-advocacy skills, legal issues, housing and employment options.

A Holistic Transition Guide for Families of Children with Disabilities

Transition to Adulthood in Georgia: Five Things to Do to Prepare for the End of School

Jeanie & Kelly – A Post Transition Story

Hi, I am Jeanie, and my daughter, Kelly, is a 26 year old woman who goes to work
every day, loves getting her nails done and who also happens to have Down Syndrome.
Before Kelly graduated high school, we had several transition meetings. Kelly was taught some work skills so that she may go out into the community, have a job and earn her own money. Read more of this story . . .

Molly's Journey to Regain Independence

Molly’s Journey to Regain Independence

Hey guys! I would like the opportunity to tell you briefly about myself. I will start
back with the accident because it has consumed my life for the past seven years.
I was a Junior at Auburn University studying Journalism and I had come home for a short weekend. Read more of this story . . .

Meet Jasmine

Teen girl with head resting in her hands

My name is Jasmine Gattison and I am 14 years old. This year, facing a health crisis helped me to find my voice in determining my goals and developing an education plan that supports where I am and where I want to be. After talking with my Mom and Dad about not being prepared for 9th grade, we decided as a family for me to be retained to ensure that I would be academically prepared for high school in 2018. Read more of Jasmine’s story . . .