Legislative advocacy refers to efforts to influence legislation for your cause. The results of legislative advocacy are seen in the many laws that now protect the rights of individuals with disabilities.
The most common form of legislative advocacy is direct lobbying which involves contacting your legislator and expressing your views and asking them to
vote a specific way on a bill. Since most new laws originate in the
legislature, legislative advocacy can be an extremely powerful tool for
shaping policy. Lobbying can be done with
something as easy as a phone call or letter, or by a formal meeting with
the legislator or their staff.
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Call, e-mail, or mail U.S. state and federal elected officials and government agencies.
A member of the House can initiate a bill on any matter.The Constitution provides
that all appropriations and revenue-raising bills MUST originate in the House.
To introduce a bill, a member files it with the Clerk of the House not later than an hour after adjournment in order that it may be introduced and read the following day.. . . Read more about How a Bill Becomes a Law In Georgia
Understanding Georgia’s Budget Process
We adopted Devan in 2011. He has brought so much joy to our lives! We have seen Devan grow and progress by leaps and bounds over the last two years. He has many obstacles still ahead, but he’s such a fighter. I do my best to clear him a path and provide the tools and support he needs, then he does all the hard work. One of my greatest joys as a mom is being able to advocate for Devan and other children with autism.
I am very hopeful that Georgia will be one of the next states to pass meaningful autism insurance reform. As the state advocacy chair, I’ve had the good fortune to meet hundreds of amazing parent advocates this year and there are thousands more out there across Georgia. That’s really been the best of this whole experience so far – parents are getting involved, learning and taking action, and in the the end they feel empowered to be leaders. They’re out there doing great advocacy work for our community and soon they will have empowered many others. I’m pretty sure that’s how change happens 🙂