
GA Transportation & Employment Needs Assessment

February 28 2023

The Research and Evaluation Unit (REU) at the Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) at the University of Georgia (UGA) and Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) are seeking input from individuals with disabilities; their families and caregivers; and key informants about the services and support needs, and gaps in services in Georgia, related to two topics – Transportation & Employment. You can participate by completing the surveys or participating in interviews/focus groups, on one or both of these topics. Links to the webpage, surveys, and interview participation are below.

Surveys can be found by going to the webpage or clicking on the links posted below. Once you are on the web page, please click on the big icons to select the survey you want to complete. The surveys should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, and your participation is completely voluntary.

Click on the text link below to go to the webpage:

If you have questions or need help completing the surveys, please contact the Research and Evaluation Unit (REU) at IHDD by sending an email to or calling (706) 542-6089. 

In advance, thank you for your time and participation!

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