Georgia Files Motion to Dismiss

State of Georgia Files a Motion to Dismiss November 1, 2016 – The State of Georgia filed a Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for violations of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) related to the GNETS (Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support) program.  Read …

GNETS Media Coverage

2017  Will Trump’s Justice Department Pay Attention to Disability Rights? | Mother Jones – 10/13/17  Parents, Advocates sue state, claim inequities in GNETS schools | Georgia Health News – 10/11/17  With Federal Suit Stalled, GA Advocates File Special Education Complaint | Ed Week – 10/11/17 The Separate, Unequal Education of Students with Special Needs – The Atlantic – 3/21/2017 2016 …

Restraint & Seclusion

What Has Happened in Georgia? 2015 Updated March 22, 2015!  How Safe is the Schoolhouse? An Analysis of State Seclusion and Restraint Policies by Jessica Butler.  This report has been updated to include changes made through March 18, 2015 to state seclusion and restraint laws and policies.  2014 On February 12, 2014, the United States Senate Health, …