The Georgia Department of Education has produced 3 new videos to help families understand Georgia’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). MTSS and Special Education – Watch this video and learn more about MTSS and how it connects with Special Education in Georgia. MTSS FAQs – This video features Frequently Asked Questions from Parents about MTSS …
The CDC has released a series of resources specifically aimed at individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The new offerings include a toolkit with social stories, videos, posters and interactive activities. The materials address five topics — getting a COVID-19 vaccine, wearing a mask, social distancing, hand washing and getting a COVID-19 test.
Complete and submit the Interest Survey to learn more about opportunities with Parent to Parent of Georgia’s Board of Directors! A majority of members are parents or family members of individuals with disabilities or who have a disability themselves. We want a STATEWIDE representation! We encourage Georgians from all areas of the state to join! …
Continue reading “The P2P Board of Directors is looking for new members!”
Atlanta – The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is launching a COVID vaccine locator on the DPH website at The tool allows users to search by county for a vaccine provider in their community, and provides location and contact information for the provider. This is not a centralized scheduling tool. County health departments and private providers …
Continue reading “DPH Launches COVID Vaccine Locator Ahead Of Phase 1A+ of Vaccine Administration”
FAITH MEDICAL SERVICES is a health care employment and private home care service agency committed to providing its clients with the best healthcare services in accordance with the highest professional standards in Georgia. Parent to Parent of Georgia lists more than 5,000 Providers on our Special Needs Database. As one of our provider sponsors, your …
Instructions on how to utilize these services will be coming soon!
Parent to Parent has added information and resources to our Roadmap to help guide and assist you and keep your family safe, healthy, educated, and connected during this time of isolation. Be sure to check out information on Early Childhood at
Information on Education can be found at
and Healthcare information is at
Read the Executive Order and to view Guidance and FAQs here.
Read the Executive Order and to view Guidance and FAQs here.
Tuesdays Beginning April 7th | 3:00 – 4:30 PM The Georgia Developmental Disabilities Network and Partnering Organizations are launching a weekly community call to address issues and concerns related to COVID-19. The goal of these weekly forums is to receive and provide guidance and resources to the people we support across the state. Together we can tune into a clear signal of facts and resources that stands out from the overwhelming noise of social media, email and 24-hour news outlets.