Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Programs

Post-Secondary Education

Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Programs

Inclusive Post-Secondary Education programs are available at more and more colleges and universities in Georgia and across the country. More and more individuals with Intellectual Disabilities are seeking and receiving the same college experiences and opportunities as their peers enjoy.

Inclusive Post Secondary Education Resources

Rethinking College is a 25-minute film that explores the growing movement to include students with intellectual disabilities in higher education. Produced by Think College, the video presents perspectives of parents, educators, advocates, policy leaders, and (most importantly) students, and illustrates how colleges and universities can provide a setting for all students to grow, learn, and build toward better futures.

Watch this 7-8 minute video which describes in plain terms what Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) is, what it looks like in Georgia, and the effect it has on students and graduates.

Georgia Inclusive Postsecondary Education Consortium – Members of this Consortium are committed to providing information and training resources for individuals, families, colleges & universities, and agencies to achieve the goal of inclusive PSE opportunities for all. 

Georgia Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs 

Kennesaw State University Academy for Inclusive Learning and Social Growth

East Georgia State College CHOICE Program

Georgia Tech Excel Program

Columbus State University GOALS Program

University of Georgia Destination Dawgs

Albany Technical College LEAP Program

Georgia College & State University GC THRIVE

Georgia State University The Inclusive Digital Expression and Literacy (IDEAL) Program

Georgia Southern University EAGLE Academy

Berry College

Other Resources

Search for colleges with IPSE programs in your state.

Include College Spreading the possibilities of inclusive post secondary education through resources, family and student success stories and more.

Think College: College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disabilities.

The Guideposts for Success:  A Framework for Families Preparing Youth for Adulthood from the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth

Think College: The Sky is the Limit  Read how Vanessa, a second-year student in a postsecondary transition program, was moved and inspired by the book, “Wine to Water” by Doc Hendley.

Read how Jonathan developed skills and life experiences in a post-secondary program that will help him gain employment.

Read “Eddie’s Journey through College to a Full-Time Job