Early Childhood Library

Early Childhood

Early Childhood Library


National Study on Early Childhood:
This study follows more than 3,000 children with disabilities or at risk for disabilities and their families through their experiences in early intervention and into early elementary school.

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center:
The information on the ECTA website is geared more for professionals and it addresses the provisions of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

National Head Start Association

Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss
Website designed to give children with deaf-blindness, multiple disabilities and complex challenges expanded learning opportunities.

Fact Sheets 

Natural Environments in Early Intervention Services

The Necessity of Early Intervention in Hearing

Safe Sleep for Babies Tip Sheet

Guides For Families

Georgia’s Resource Guide for Families of children with Hearing Loss

The Backpack Connection Series contains handouts that help parents and teachers work together by sharing strategies for reinforcing social emotional skills taught in the classroom at home.